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Reiseerlebnisse und Dokumentarfotografie » Songkran

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Happy new year

Von ritchy, 14. April 2010 12:39

The word Songkran comes from Sanskrit and its meaning refers to the new solar year. Traditionally statues of Bhudda are bathed in a ritual using sacred water. Many people clean their houses and make new year resolutions. Friends and family are very important on those days. They meet them on the streets for a big water fight. So Songkran is also called the „Water festival“. Everybody goes out on the street with water guns and big buckets or water bottles to make everyone wet, who is in front of them to wash away the bad luck and bad feelings. The Thais involves everybody also the tourists. It is very dangerous these days to go by bike or motorbike, streets are very slippery, because the people standing on the side of the streets and splash water over all what’s moving there. They don’t really care about the traffic, drinking beer and splash water. Some people gives you a mixture of cooling powder or other stuff in your face. This powder is very modern in Thailand and refreshes you for a moment.

They also try to kiss and hug everyone but this is no tradition. They do it most with foreigners and prefer girls. You can think why they do this.

Every bar and some shops have large containers with fresh water in front. So you can go there refill your gun or whatever and meet also a lot of people to chat.

If you don’t want getting wet so is better to stay in your hotel room. But if not, go out buy a typical songkran shirt, with a lot of flowers and very famous coloured. You can see it everywhere these days. After Songkran you can wear it when you go in a surfer bar. Also be careful with your belongings. Use waterproof bags or leave all things at home. It’s a very dangerous time for electronical stuff like cameras. I wish you good luck for the year 2553!

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